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Wall Yin Yoga: A 5 Week Afternoon Series for Deep Grounding
Jul 2, 2024 - Jul 30, 2024

Wall Yin Yoga is like the wise grandmother of yoga, enfolding us in simple poses that help us feel grounded and safe. Would you like to feel more energetic and yet also calmer in the midst of busy summer activities? Consider taking a Five weeks of July Wall Yin Series. 

We will use the wall, sandbags and straps to stabilize and deepen each pose, holding the pose long enough to fully experience the physical, mental and emotional benefits. Each week will introduce new poses and nourishing themes to help you to settle into deep, healing relaxation.

If you desire to have a simple home practice for the days you don’t have time to attend a studio class, this is the workshop for you! By the end of the series, you will be adept at doing a short daily practice to maintain the energy, wisdom and mindfulness you created on your mat.

Visit your grandmother this summer at Sound Method Yoga, July 2-30, 2024. Class meets every Tuesday at 12 pm.


$115 for the full series or $25 per single class. This series is included in your PLUS Annual or Monthly membership.

Space is very limited.


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Jul 2, 2024 - Jul 30, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm CDT
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5 Sessions
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Strength Rules
Aug 17, 2024 - Sep 21, 2024

Strength Rules:

Leveraging strength in Your Vinyasa practice

Yoga is mostly known for its capacity to improve flexibility. But dedicated practitioners know that they also get stronger when they practice regularly. So what if we apply the rules of strength training to our Vinyasa practice? Turns out, there are definable strategies that we can use to build strength that don’t just happen by accident!

Join Mandy, E-RYT 500, Personal trainer and strength specialist to uplevel your fitness and strength this Fall You will learn some of the basics of strength and learn how to apply them in your very own practice to improve endurance, power and confidence.

This 6 week series meets every Saturday at 10:30 am for 75 minutes. You'll also have access to mandy's training app for training during the week. 2-3 additional workouts are recommended. Chose a workout plan based on your experience with strength training, your equipment or gym access. The between session workouts are so important to your 6 week process because an important strength rule is consistency (frequency)!

Your practice and your training plan will evolve each week to provide an increasing challenge (progressive overload). By the end of 6 weeks you will be amazed at your progress, feeling like a rockstar in your practice, and more powerful in your everyday activities.

Space in this series is extremely limited. PLUS members can register for FREE. No other passes apply. The series investment is $190


Weekly in person, 75 minute practice on Saturdays at 10:30 am with Mandy. EXCEPT the September 7th class which meets at 9 am.

Access to Mandy's training app for complete workout programs to complete between weekly sessions. 2-3 additional weekly workouts are recommended. Taining programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced are provided.

A dedicated forum on Mandy's app to ask questions. Includes a leaderboard to keep you motivated!

Liking the way your pants fit so much better!

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Aug 17, 2024 - Sep 21, 2024
10:30am - 11:45am CDT
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6 Sessions
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