6:30-8PM YIN+RESTORATIVE: A CANDLELIT, CURATED EXPERIENCE for you & your amore. Bring a partner, friend, or simply someone you know that needs some love. Solo? Awesome! COME!
Slow, soothing, and sweet minimal movement with yin yoga to begin, transitioning into fully supported/swaddled restorative postures to end. Be treated to the experience of complete relaxation. Relax. Receive. Restore. Recenter.

This workshop delves into the timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, exploring its core teachings on dharma (duty), karma (action), bhakti (devotion), and jnana (knowledge). Participants will engage in practical yoga practices that embody these principles, combining physical movement, breathwork, meditation, and discussion.
This session aims to provide tools for integrating the Gita’s philosophy into daily life, offering insights on how to navigate life’s challenges with mindfulness, selflessness, and devotion. By the end of the session, participants will leave with a deeper understanding of the Bhagavad Gita and practical ways to apply its teachings in both their yoga practice and everyday lives.

Join us for this in-depth workshop that dives into ways to make yoga and movement more accessible for every body. We will also utilize movement and stillness, or rest with meditation as we adapt this practice to the bodies in the room in the moment. Chairs, bolsters, blocks, blankets, etc. available to help make the practice fit your body/needs.
Focus will include acknowledging all people, regardless of age, shape, size, background, or physical condition.
MARCH 2ND SUNDAY 1:30-5:00 $65

During this class we will explore gentle movements from Taiji
and Qigong that increase vitality and longevity. Participants often
notice improvements in balance, circulation, and sleep as well as
decreased stress and anxiety. Participants will wear loose,
comfortable clothing and practice from a standing position with an
option for seated practice based on comfort and preference. Show up
with a willingness to try new things, or perhaps a desire to
continue arts you’ve already explored. No experience
Amara Franko is a licensed acupuncturist and certified instructor
of Chinese Martial Arts who has been teaching and practicing
Chinese Medicine and Martial Arts for over 20 years. After dabbling
in martial arts throughout her youth, she began serious practice
with North American Tang Shou Tao Association in 1998 and currently
serves on the board of directors of this non-profit organization.
She enjoys empowering people of all ages and capabilities to
improve their lives through safe and attainable movement