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Discovering Tai Chi Workshop
Jun 22, 2024 - Jun 22, 2024

Welcome to Catherine's Tai Chi Workshop, where we embark on a journey of self-discovery and well-being through the ancient art of Tai Chi. Guided by Catherine, a dedicated practitioner and experienced instructor, this workshop invites you to explore the profound benefits of Tai Chi in a supportive and nurturing environment.

As we gather in the serene setting of our studio, Catherine begins by introducing the fundamental principles of Tai Chi. With gentle guidance, she encourages participants to connect with their breath and center their minds, laying the foundation for a transformative experience.

Throughout the workshop, Catherine leads us through a series of fluid movements, each flowing seamlessly into the next. With grace and precision, she demonstrates the proper techniques, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and supported as they explore the practice.

As we immerse ourselves in the rhythm of Tai Chi, Catherine invites us to cultivate mindfulness and awareness of our bodies. With each movement, we release tension and stress, allowing energy to flow freely within us. Through this mindful practice, we discover a profound sense of calmness and inner peace.

Catherine's expertise shines as she shares insights into the deeper philosophy of Tai Chi, drawing parallels between the movements and the principles of balance and harmony. With wisdom and compassion, she encourages us to embrace the yin and yang within ourselves, finding equilibrium in the midst of life's challenges.

Throughout the workshop, Catherine fosters a sense of community and support among participants, creating a space where everyone feels valued and empowered. Through shared experiences and gentle encouragement, we uplift one another on our journey of self-discovery.


Join Catherine's Tai Chi Workshop and discover the transformative power of this ancient practice. Embrace the journey of self-discovery, balance, and inner peace as we flow together in harmony.

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Jun 22, 2024
2:00pm - 4:00pm BST
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1 Session
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