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IN-PERSON & ONLINE: 5-Class Series—Pranayama for Balance, Relaxation & Vitality Virtual
Jun 13, 2024 - Jun 27, 2024

Pranayama is a bridge which aids the student of yoga in crossing from the realm of physical development towards Self-realization.
—BKS Iyengar

Developing a regular pranayama practice can require patience and discipline but can provide a host of benefits including mental clarity, improved circulation, and greater physical energy. This practice is considered a powerful tool for generating and harness prana and directing the mind.

Prana is not just the breath, but the energy. And breathing (pranayama) is the process by which you apply that energy to find out how deep that energy penetrates and percolates.
—Dr. Geeta Iyengar

Intended for participants with 2-3 years of yoga experience, these sessions will build on Kathleen Wright's previous Yoga Horizons workshops and continue to introduce the fundamental elements for safely preparing for, practicing and realizing the benefits of pranayama. Each class will begin with a savasana and will include both reclining and seated pranayama. The sessions will be taught by Stephanie Fukui, a long-time Iyengar Yoga practitioner and an experienced teacher who has practiced and studied pranayama for many years.

Questions about the class can be emailed to Stephanie at:

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Jun 13, 2024 - Jun 27, 2024
5:30pm - 6:45pm CDT
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10 Sessions
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