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Yoga at the Ashram
Somatics Yoga Certification (2 Days)
Jun 29, 2024 - Jun 30, 2024

Somatics Yoga Certification (2 Days) with International Yoga Instructor Shawn Cornelison, on Saturday & Sunday, June 29-30 from 9am to 4pm both days.

Held at Yoga at the Ashram, 368 Village Street, Millis, MA 02054
Cost: $400 Early Registration Discount 14 Days Prior or More
Cost: $450 Regular Registration
This program is open to everyone. You do not need to be a yoga instructor to attend the program.
You will receive videos that cover all of the movements we will explore..
Yoga Alliance CEU's Are Available For This Program
This program is for anyone who wants to reduce pain and move better. The program is designed experienced or novice yoga practitioners, as well as yoga instructors. If you have some familiarity with alternative wellness practices, you may have heard the term “somatics” without having a clear idea of what it means.
Somatics describes any practice that uses the mind-body connection to help you survey your internal self and listen to signals your body sends about areas of pain, discomfort, or imbalance. These practices allow you to access more information about the ways you hold on to your experiences in your body. Somatic experts believe this knowledge, combined with natural movement and touch, can help you work toward healing and wellness.
Thomas Hanna, an educator in the field, coined the term in 1970 to describe a number of techniques that share one important similarity: They help people increase bodily awareness through a combination of movement and relaxation. While somatic practices have become increasingly popular in the Western world over the last 50 years, many of them draw from ancient Eastern philosophy and healing practices, including tai chi and qi gong.
'This workshop will help you explore these movement and relaxation techniques. We will discuss how to incorporate them into regular classes like vinyasa, Yin, or Restorative. You do not need to be a teacher to benefit from this training. Students will be able to put together a home practice that will help reduce the tension and pain in their bodies, as well as create a more grounded and resilient nervous system.
I use these movements everyday in my own practice and have found a significant reduction in my amount of daily tension and pain. '
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Jun 29, 2024 - Jun 30, 2024
Sat, Sun
9:00am - 4:00pm EDT
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Enroll Early $450.00
2 Sessions
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Laughter Yoga Leader Training (Online) Virtual
Oct 10, 2024 - Oct 11, 2024

This Laughter Yoga Leader Online Training is a two day immersive training that will support you in gaining the confidence and learning the skills necessary to lead a complete laughter yoga class, and to implement this healing practice into your everyday life for your personal health and wellbeing.

No prior experience is necessary to take part in this laughter yoga leader training. This training is for you if you would like to teach laughter yoga classes and/or deepen your own experience with and understanding of laughter yoga.

Laughter Yoga is a fun and unique exercise designed to support both physiological and psychological well being. The practice itself combines laughter, breath, clapping, and playful movement. In laughter yoga, we laugh without the need for humor or jokes. The laughter itself triggers the release of endorphins and feel good hormones, such as dopamine and serotonin, leaving you feeling joyful and relaxed.

Join Cailin Coleman, Laughter Yoga International certified Laughter Yoga Teacher, for this fun and uplifting two day training. Cailin shares her passion and excitement for the healing benefits of laughter yoga, paired with her lived experience from her six years of teaching laughter yoga. Cailin has taught laughter yoga to a wide variety of populations, including seniors, toddlers, children, adolescents, and faculty within the workplace.

This training will be held Online with Yoga at the Ashram. Upon completion of this two day training, you will receive a Laughter Yoga International Laughter Yoga Leader Certificate.

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Oct 10, 2024 - Oct 11, 2024
Thu, Fri
1:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
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Enroll Early $350.00
2 Sessions
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