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The Yoga Place & Yoga Central

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Movement Mondays
Sep 9, 2024 - Dec 31, 2026

(Please register ahead by at least one hour.) Together we will explore human movement through mobilization drills, including new patterns and play, with the intent of becoming a better mover regardless of the situation. Come and feel like a kid again (or still), while rediscovering natural mobility lost through years of disuse, specialization in sport, etc.

It is requested that attendees be comfortable with squatting, kneeling and plow pose. Long pants and clothing without zippers, snaps, or anything that may scratch the hardwood floor is required. Also, consistent attendance helps the instructor and the student.

David's hope is to build a strong community of movers in our hometown; a community who is eager to explore, is passionate about becoming better human animals, and supporting each other in the process.

David Finley is a mixed-movement artist, who has studied and practiced various forms of movement throughout his life. His teaching focuses on proper technique, alignment, and logical progressions to building strength, flexibility and resilience.

More background about David Finley:
The first Russian Kettlebell Certified (RKC) Instructor, Pavel 2001
Assistant instructor at two RKC Certifications
JumpStretch Flexband certification, Dick Hartzell 2003
Certified Natural Trainer, Jon Hinds Monkey Bar Gym 2006
Attendee of two Gymnastic Bodies certifications, Coach Christopher Sommer, 2012 and 2013
RYT-200 from The Yoga Place, Michael Curtis, Canton, Ohio 2012
BY-50, Instructor of Budokon®Yoga Primary Series, Cameron Shayne, Miami, September 2016
Ido Portal’s Creative Movement Tools Workshop, Shai Faran, Miami, June 2017
RYT-200 Prajna Yoga Certification, Tias & Surya Little, offered in conjunction with The Yoga Place/Yoga Central, Canton, Ohio 2017
BY-50, Instructor of Budokon®Yoga Second Series, Cameron Shayne, Miami, September 2017
Ido Portal’s Movement X, John Sapinoso, Zack Finer, Cincinnati, November 2017
Ido Portal’s Motion, John Sapinoso, Liav Baron, Columbus, September 2018

$25 for all 4 classes.

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Sep 9, 2024 - Dec 31, 2026
7:10pm - 8:10pm EDT
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