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International Pole Convention (PoleCon)
USPSF Code of Points Workshop and Judges Certification Course for Pole Sport
USPSF Code of Points Workshop and Judges Certification Course for Pole Sport


May 29, 2024 - May 29, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


- Overview and review of each judging section
- Updates of newly released information
- Practice sessions
- Question and answer section to allow you to gain complete clarity on any questions you may have
- The opportunity for you to calibrate your skill to the national level

Certifications that are being offered:
- Code of Points Training Certificate of Completion
- USPSF Certified Judge
- Judge Recertification for previously certified USPSF Judges
- National Head Judge Certification 

For Certified Judges, we also provide lifetime access to review courses, including:
- Explanation videos for each judging section
- Practice videos and tests for each judging section
- Membership in the USPSF National Judges Training Facebook group where you will have access to all the material plus the ability to ask questions on videos, discuss with other judges and receive answers and feedback

This course will be offered in three parts:
1- Individual Preparation: Prep Work to be done ahead of time including 4 two hour videos (subject to change) and the judges manual to read and study. Material will be made available approximately one month prior to Pole Con. You will receive an email. Registration for the course will close one week prior to Pole Con as you must complete the Prep Work prior to taking the course. 
2- Course Presentation at Pole Con: In Person training to be done at Pole Con. We will review all material and practice judging the routines. Then we will prepare for the test. 
3- Test Administration: Test will include a written multiple choice exam and a practical exam (where you will judge routines on video). Test will be administered from approximately 5-7 PM. 
Please note that if you do not pass the test there will be an opportunity for a retake to be arranged by the USPSF. 
Take the test…or not. If you would like to become a certified judge, you will need to take and complete the test. However, you may also chose to not take the test, in which case you will be awarded the Code of Points Training Certificate of Completion, but not the Judge’s Certification. Cost is the same with or without the test for the Pole Con event.

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Special Instructions

Please note there will be no refunds. If you are unable to attend after you register you may use your payment towards a future training. There will also be no refunds for any other reason, including not passing the test. 

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