We’ll learn how to perform exciting, jaw dropping heels tricks on the floor and
crack the code of how to safely build these elements from the ground up to add a new level of freedom and power to your dance. This workshop will explore:
Fishflops and Shoulder Roll Variations
Drop Splits
Triple Spin (Directional Changes)
Arabesque Get Ups (Pop Ups)
After learning the basics for training each of these elements, we’ll build them into fierce and fun floorwork choreography, dancing to David Bowie's “I'm Afraid of Americans”.

From Notion to Motion - Pole Performance Evolution: A Step-by-Step Process to go from Idea Seedling to Successful Performance
Do you have an idea for a pole piece? Let’s get it to the
performance finish line. This 8hr workshop intensive will take your
seed of inspiration through a comprehensive step-by-step process to
creating a cohesive piece you can perform with confidence and
pride. From concept, music, costume, stage elements, choreography,
composition, and beyond, we will use tried-and-true tools and
exercises to create, perform, and celebrate your dream pole piece!
This process does not cater to a specific style or level, it can be
utilized at any level of technique or performance experience.
Participants will learn to unlock their creativity and deepen
composition skills, enhancing artistry for the long term.
Level: Beginner - Advanced
Requirements: must have taken at least one pole dance class

- Hands vs. boob placement
- Pull-ups
- Crunches
- Inverts
- Jasmines
- Climbs
- Handsprings & IronX
- Full bracket spins
- Forearm stands

6 hour course
Twerk Video Study Library
Certificate of Completion
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