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Qi Gong and Healing
Jun 7, 2024 - Jun 7, 2024

Heal with us and explore how to quickly step into your own power with the Outer Limits System (OLS). This system is Tim Arculli's creation and has evolved from the practice of Qigong and energy healing. Tim's goal is to demystify ancient energetic practices and make it easily digestible and practical for anyone regardless of prior experience or understanding of energy healing. 

Learn how to shut your brain off instantly so we can use all of our energy to heal. 

Learn simple and effective tools that can be incorporated easily into your daily routine. 

These tools can assist with pain, discomfort, dis-ease, anxiety, overthinking, stress, stuck energy and emotions. 

It will also lead to increased energy flow, flexibility, and a calmer and more controlled mind.

You will gain a deeper understanding of energy and leave feeling lighter and more empowered. Benefits can be felt immediately. 


Tim believes in having measurable ways to experience the benefits of these practices first hand. Throughout the workshop we will assist each other in a series of experiments so that everybody can feel the difference this practice makes for themselves and their classmates.

Experience how powerful your energy is by performing curious exercises such as being able to move a person from across the room without touching them and ways to make your body feel better without even having to move!

Questions are strongly encouraged in order to make this an experience that will be tailored to the group.

Step into your own power and strengthen your energy abilities in a fun and interactive way!



Tim Arculli began practicing the ancient healing practice of Qigong 16 years ago. He started teaching friends and family but found that they often didn't have the time to practice regularly. To make Qigong more accessible, Tim developed his own system (Outer Limits System) that focuses on the most efficient, effective, and simple techniques that can incorporate into any lifestyle. Tim has trained with several teachers in the US and Hong Kong and holds several certifications in Qigong and 2 Reiki Master certifications. He is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and helping others improve their health, energy practice, and well-being in a fun way.

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Jun 7, 2024
6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
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Yoga Nidra & Sound Bath For Balancing The Chakras
Jun 9, 2024 - Jun 9, 2024

Yoga Nidra & Sound Bath For Balancing The Chakras

with Sarah Michalowski & Meg Lyding

Sunday June 9, 2024

4 – 6 pm


~ Yogas citta vrtti nirodhah: still the fluctuations of the mind

~ Yoga Nidra: yogic sleep; a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping

~ Seven Chakras: energy centers from the base of the spine to the crown of the head

~ Sound Healing: to help facilitate a deeper state of rest and relaxation.

As we enter the season of summer, we invite you to find rest, still the fluctuations of the mind, and balance your Chakra System through Yoga Nidra and Sound Healing. We will begin our time together with an opening circle and intention setting. Prior to settling into a comfortable savasana position, Sarah will guide you through gentle floor-based movement to release tension and begin to relax. You will then be guided through a Yoga Nidra practice taking you on a conscious awareness journey through the five layers of the self (physical, energy, emotional, wisdom, and bliss) that uses body sensing, breath awareness, and guided imagery that will focus on balancing each of the seven chakras. Throughout the journey, Meg will use singing bowls and other meditative instruments to help facilitate a deeper state of rest. Combining both practices allows you to experience deep relaxation that will calm your mind, relax your body, soothe your nervous system, reduce fatigue, and improve the quality of your sleep.


* Since you will be lying down for an extended period of time, please bring a yoga mat (the studio has a limited amount that can be borrowed). The studio also has bolsters and blankets for you to use. However, please bring anything else that will help make your experience more comfortable, such as an eye cover, head pillow, additional blankets, or any other supportive items. Please wear comfortable clothing and in layers as your body temperature may change throughout the practice.


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Jun 9, 2024
4:00pm - 6:00pm EDT
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In-Studio Summer Sound Bath Series (Or Drop-In)
Jun 21, 2024 - Aug 16, 2024

finding restorative balance amid the high energy of summer
with Meg Lyding
June 21st | July 19th | August 16th

Fridays, 7 – 8pm
$35 per session or $90 for all 3


An experience of deep listening and meditative rest

An invitation into greater harmony and inner stillness

A space for nurturing self-care and relaxation


Join Meg for an evening of restorative sound and meditation held monthly throughout the summer season. Slow down, unwind, and tune-in supported by the balancing frequencies and vibrations of meditative instruments including singing bowls, chimes, gongs, and more.

WHAT TO BRING: A yoga mat and eye pillow if you have one;
blankets and bolsters are provided, but feel free to bring your own.


Meg Lyding, MFA • Certified Sound Meditation Practitioner & Composer • Multi-Disciplinary Artist

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Jun 21, 2024
7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Jul 19, 2024
7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Aug 16, 2024
7:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
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Approachable Astrology
Jun 22, 2024 - Jun 22, 2024

Astrological Natal Charts are a map of our personalities, highlighting our uniqueness and how we best fit into the world. BUT Natal Charts can be really overwhelming!
This workshop is your first step in becoming an expert at reading your natal chart!

Approachable Astrology is a course designed to be a peaceful and accessible way to help you build a foundational knowledge of Astrology. You will leave this workshop empowered and eager to devel deeper into yourself and the people around you.

What to expect:

The history of Astrology and why it matters
The “Big Three” of Astrology (Sun, Moon, and Rising signs)
What your Big Three say about you and how you interact with the world
How the Planets, Signs, Houses interact in a natal chart
All participants will receive a 20+ page workbook jam packed with all the information they need to start their Astrological Journey!
You will need to know (and provide) your specific birth date, time, and location, 48 hours in advance of this workshop in order to participate

Date: Saturday, June 22nd, 2024 Time: 12:30pm - 2:30pm Price: $60 (includes workbook)

After a truly brutal Saturn Return, Lilly began studying Astrology and Human Design (roughly 7 years ago). These studies fundamentally helped her navigate a demanding corporate job, becoming a new mom, losing a parent, and maintaining a thriving marriage. She believes the foundation of a happy life starts with self acceptance, which can only come from a profound understanding and celebration of our own uniqueness. Lilly is obsessed with learning all she can to improve the human experience for herself and others. She is a guide and mentor to anyone searching for a clearer path to self acceptance and rediscovering the joy in life.

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Jun 22, 2024
12:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
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The Core, Pelvic Floor, and More!
Jun 30, 2024 - Jun 30, 2024

Dr. Courtney Centrelli- Tischner, Chiropractor and Yoga Instructor, and Dr. Lindsay Schmitz, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, bring you a 90 minute intensive focused on incorporating the pelvic floor into your Yoga practice. We will discuss anatomy, fuction, activation, relaxation, and cueing. Then you will be led through a pelvic floor focused flow.

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