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Marla Kosterski

Marla Kosterski

Yoga instructor

Tru For U

Tru For U

I have been practicing yoga for ten years and teaching yoga for seven years. Yoga gave me a place where I felt welcome and had all the equipment I needed: a mat and my body. I keep coming back to yoga because of the way it makes me feel. I feel at home on my mat and in the studio. It is because of yoga that I also feel more at home in my body. Yoga has helped me feel more connected to others by appreciating the humanity, strength, and vulnerability in us all. It continues to help me learn to accept myself and to see the beauty of what is. Yoga is not the competitive “no pain, no gain” form of exercise that many people subscribe to. It is exercise for the body and the mind and to find the connection between the two. It is also just good FUN! I am constantly amazed at the things our bodies can do - bend, balance, and make seemingly impossible angles - when we just play and don’t impose limitations on ourselves. Outside of yoga, I am a secondary school English teacher. I also enjoy gardening, reading, cycling, shooting pool, and spending time with my family, friends, and cats.

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