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Nada Yoga : Yoga & Sound Meditation


About the Class

Nourish your body and mind with this special Yoga and Sound Meditation class. Nada Yoga is the Yoga of sound and has been referred to as the yoga of JOY !!  In this class you will be taken through a short mindful yoga sequence to connect with the breath, release muscular tension, remove toxins from the body, and achieve a deep state of relaxation. You will then be transported to deeper realms of conciousness through sound meditation: assisting the body's natural ability to cleanse, heal and restore balance by releasing blockages within the energetic body, and creating an inner atmosphere of joy.  Nada yoga, meaning “union through sound,” is a yoga of sound. It is an ancient Indian system and science of inner transformation through sound and tone. Nada yoga is based on the premise that the entire cosmos and everything in it (including humans) consist of sound vibrations, or nadas. The ancient practice of nada yoga is not complex. It is the yoga of listening. It is a journey from the noise of the external world inward to a place of peace and bliss, to the source of the transformational power of sound. In this class offering we may use our own voice with mantra, crystal singing bowls, and (3) different gongs to explore Nada Yoga. We can still the body, quiet the mind, and open the heart to create a state of mind where joy naturally arises.  This class is being held in the intimate setting of the Chakra Studio. The space is perfect for a sound immersion.