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Eric Peratino

Eric Peratino

Posing Coach

Center Stage Athletics & Team CSFP

Center Stage Athletics & Team CSFP

Eric Peratino started his journey to a fitter, healthier lifestyle at the age of 30. after seeing he was about 50 lbs overweight, he began working out religiously and eating healthy. Workouts were mostly running and using a few dumbbells in his basement. It wasn't until 2 years later when his new wife, Tina, got him interested in lifting weights in the gym with the goal of putting on some size on his newly toned physique. With that, weigh lifting became his new found passion.One year after they had their son, Nikolas, Tina decided to compete in a Figure competition and asked Eric if he would like to try competing in bodybuilding. He was very unsure, but with Tina egging him on, he agreed. With support from Tina and a great trainer (Sully), he was able to win both classes he entered in his first show. He was hooked! Since then, Eric has qualified for Pro-status in both the IFPA and NGA. With a  nagging shoulder injury, Eric still manages to compete once or twice a year, but has found it even more gratifying to help others with their competition and posing prep!

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