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Emmie Jae

Emmie Jae

Group Fitness Instructor

The Northwood Club

The Northwood Club

Emmie has an extensive background in dance.  She began dancing at the age of three and continued on to dance until the age of 25. She went to a high school for the performing arts, was the varsity dance coach in college and even had her own dance squad for a while.Her first yoga experience was free yoga in the park in West Hollywood, California and she fell in love.  She practiced when she could get to classes but when she moved to England, she signed up for Bikram yoga and was hooked.  She attended classes every day and felt amazing.  From then on, she would attend classes where ever she was living even if they weren’t Bikram.However, she didn’t always have time to attend a class, and when traveling (she has traveled extensively) yoga wasn’t always readily available. So, in October of 2018 she took a one-way ticket to India where she studied yoga in an immersive YTT course to gain more knowledge and get her own practice.Being an ex-dancer, her muscle seized up, her arthritis acted up and she physically didn’t always feel good.   Yoga has been one thing that makes her feel strong, healthy and centered.  Her yoga practice has literally changed her life and she really loves to share this gift of yoga with others.  She adjusts her classes to her student’s abilities because when she teaches, she is there for them and she wants them to have a great experience and hopefully help them mentally, spiritually or physically.She teaches Wheel Yoga (Shakti Yoga Method), Hatha, Ashtanga Vinyasa, but also offers gentle stretch, chair/accessible yoga which she is currently educating herself on.  She is always learning, researching and attending classes herself because she herself is still a student and she finds it important to constantly learn. One of her biggest goals with yoga while informing and educating her students is to push aside people’s fears and misconceptions of yoga.“I believe that yoga is for everyone no matter shape or size, old or young, athlete or not, flexible, not flexible and so on.  There are many misconceptions about yoga which really affects people’s thoughts on attending classes and how they feel about yoga.  One of my goals is to go past these misconceptions and show people that yoga IS FOR YOU… IT’S FOR EVERYONE!”Show your inner you!Namaste.

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