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Chris Major

Chris Major

Personal Trainer

CORE Cycle.Fitness.Lagree

CORE Cycle.Fitness.Lagree

Hometown: Providence, RI3 words that describe my class: challenging, sweaty, powerfulSignature move: Turkish get upFavorite songs/artists: currently... Sturgill Simpson's sound and fury song: Best Clockmaker on MarsNo playlist is complete without: a mix of hip hop and rockMy theme song: Ace of Spades, MotorheadFavorite pre-workout snack: sugar, in the form of fruit or orange juiceGuilty pleasure: full pint of Ben and Jerry's Milk and CookiesWhen I'm not in the studio, I am: rebuilding my house, car, boat, motorcycle or indulging in outdoor activities, mainly fishingAt my CORE: If I can't do it you don't have to! Get 'Em!

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