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Package Cupping 60 Minutes (4)
Package Cupping 60 Minutes (4)


Purchase Option type:
Session Pass
Number of Sessions:
5 months
Access to Sessions:
Cupping & Massage 60min
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4 60 minute Cupping sessions for an amazing price!
Cupping therapy is an ancient form of medical therapy that is most widely known through the form of Traditional Chinese Medicine. This session will incorporate the use of silicon or glass cups along with therapist use of hands to create the best mix of therapy for the needs you have.  Instead of compressing tight muscle fibers with physical manipulation using only modalities offering therapist hands, the cups additionally lift muscle fibers with suction and negative pressure. This releases rigid soft tissue, loosens adhesions, drains excess fluids and toxins, and also brings healthy blood flow to stagnant skin and muscle tissue. The pulling action engages the parasympathetic nervous system, thus allowing a deep relaxation to move through the body. The cups pull the stagnation out of the tissue and bring it to the skin's surface where the body's lymphatic system can then remove it and allow healthy blood to come in encouraging natural healing processes to begin.  Clients receive cupping for many health benefits including help with muscle pain, inflammation, relaxation and well-being, and a form of deep tissue massage.

** Package expires 5 months after date of purchase**

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