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Women's Wellness Event


Apr 20, 2024 - Apr 20, 2024
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Women's Wellness Event

w/Melissa McKim, Tricia Glynn & Jen Petty

Saturday June 1st


$150 per participant


This workshop is for women of all ages whether you are preparing for, in or post menopause.  The way we exercise, eat and sleep changes at different stages of life. Throughout these stages our hormones change, and it is important to have the knowledge and tools to continue to thrive and maintain healthy lifestyles.


In this workshop we will cover:


  1. Why exercise does not always equate to weight loss.


  1. The benefits of adding weights to a mindful yoga practice.


  1. The most beneficial exercises for different ages and how to start a program that suits current needs?


  1. How bodies are affected by sleep and the importance of circadian rhythms.  


  1. Which foods, herbs and spices are phytoestrogens and which increase progesterone.


  1. How to use the wisdom of Ayurveda to help balance your imbalances (doshas), ignite your digestion (agni) and transition from your Pitta stage of life to Vata in a balanced way (alas balancing your changing hormones naturally).


  1. The benefits of meditation and how to build a daily practice.


  • This workshop will include all levels of yoga sculpt, restorative yoga and meditation.


  • Please be sure to wear comfortable clothing and be prepared for time on the mat.


  • A healthy and delicious lunch will be served. *Please notify us of any allergies or dietary restrictions at registration. 




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