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300 TT- Yoga Nidra and Pranayama Meditation Teacher Training


May 18, 2024 - May 19, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


During this workshop students will gain an understanding of the history of Yoga Nidra and its
growing influence in the USA. We will explore the philosophy, science, and
practice of Yoga Nidra.
We will explore the many benefits of a regular meditation practice as well
as pranayama tools to deepen the experience.
Students will be guided through several different experiences and
introduced to the skill set required to lead an effective Yoga Nidra
meditation to a class.
Students will have the opportunity to practice teaching yoga Nidra
experience for their students.
Participants are eligible for 20 CEU's through Yoga Alliance.
Hours are 8a-5p both days.
This workshop will be led by Liam Gillan. Liam has dedicated the seventeen years to being deeply involved in
meditation and spirituality, as a practitioner and educator of Yoga, Yoga Nidra
and as a Yoga Therapist.
He now develops and delivers his own workshops and retreats focusing on
wellness and balance in life while also working with individual clients.
He holds an MBA, and an E-RYT500/YACEP Instructor certified in Yoga, Yoga
Nidra and Yoga Therapy.
Liam is wholeheartedly invested in offering teachings and techniques helpful
in creating and maintaining a mindful approach to living your best life possible.
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