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DOMA Studio
Kismet: Manifestation club
Kismet: Manifestation club


May 5, 2024 - May 5, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Manifestation Club: New Moon Intention & Reflection
A monthly workshop for getting clear on your intentions, setting goals that align with your authentic desires, and tapping into your inherent magic to manifest the life you deserve.
As we meditate on these themes, we will work through exercises reflective of the current astrology to replace limiting beliefs with love, clarity, and resolve.
The objective of doing this work is to increase the level of worthiness and authenticity you feel and project into the world, so that you can attract what you truly desire and deserve. Using manifestation as a tool to get closer to living as who you were always meant to be. 
What you will need:
a mat, pillow, or blanket as your seat
a mug to enjoy tea*
your astrological birth chart*
Victoria has been a student and practitioner of spiritual modalities for over a decade, with a focus on manifestation, astrology, reiki and human design. As a certified and practicing yoga teacher, she knows how to hold space for others and guide in a way that empowers and supports each individual.


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Special Instructions

What you will need:
a mat, pillow, or blanket as your seat
a mug to enjoy tea*
your astrological birth chart*
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