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Divine Spirit Yoga Training
Divine Spirit Yoga Training


Apr 7, 2023 - Jan 6, 2024
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Did you know that only 25% of people that attend a yoga teacher training program actually go on to teach yoga classes?  This is because most people are attending these programs for their own personal growth and curiosity.  Ask anyone that has gone through an extended yoga teacher training program about their experience and you will hear things like, “it forever changed me”, “the best thing I have ever done for myself”, “I felt so connected to the group”.  Yoga training is NOT about learning to teach yoga (although it can be if that is your goal) it is far more about your own spiritual expansion & awakening.  It is about opening yourself up in completely new ways and learning to see things from a new perspective.  It is about putting yourself first and choosing your own spiritual path.  This is the real beauty and power of a yoga training program.

We have known for some time that we wanted to offer a training like this for our community; however for many months we struggled with clarity as the types of programs that most of us went through didn’t seem to quite fit with The Space.  Once we let go of our own expectations and past experiences we were opened to a whole new way of thinking about yoga training.  We were guided to see what could be possible if we would only allow things to be different for our community.  As we stepped out of the way…Spirit stepped in and the Divine Spirit Yoga Training was created.  This program speaks to the heart of who we are at The Space.  It is a program designed with expansion and love at the core.  It is a program that will open you up to not only the traditional yoga topics like Asana, Pranayama, Chakras & Meditation but to topics like Reiki, Shamanism, Angels & Sound.  It is a program that encompasses the spiritual journey like none other that we have come across.

Divine Spirit Yoga Training (DSYT) is rooted in the history and philosophy of yoga yet expands beyond the traditional. The content covered is rich, practical and thorough so that you will understand and experience yoga (to unite) as a whole.  In addition to expanding your knowledge you will learn how to bring all aspects of yoga into your daily life for overall wellness, healing and deep personal growth. Our teachers are extremely knowledgeable and passionate in their areas of study, providing you with an opportunity to learn from diverse viewpoints and backgrounds.  Learning will be experiential, rewarding and fun with many opportunities for self-reflection, self-inquiry, self-discovery and life-long learning. 

DYST is for yoga students and yoga teachers who want to dive deeper  into the study and practice of yoga and spiritual practices from a place of expanded vision with a small group of like-hearted people in the loving, supportive energy of The Space.  Our intimate space offers an opportunity to truly connect on a deeper level learning and growing together in community.  Our studies will be secular, encouraging you to cultivate and honor your own divine spirit.

If you are interested in becoming a yoga teacher, there is a mentorship option which will encourage you to find your authentic voice and provide you with the essential teaching skills required to lead classes and set you on your path to share your own passion of yoga.

This 10 month program is dedicated time and space for YOU.  It is the opportunity to break through the chains of the mind and open to the expansiveness of heart-centered living.  It is a chance to say YES to your own Spirit calling to awaken and be heard.  It is your chance to expand in ways you may have never even considered; in ways only your heart knows to be possible with loving and supportive guides along the way.  The most important work that you will ever do in this life is the work of awakening, it is the work of remembering who you really are and why you are here.  Divine Spirit Yoga Training is designed to open up the truth within your own heart.

Our 10 month program meets in person 1 Friday and 2 Saturdays a month Friday, April 7, 2023 through January 6, 2024

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