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An Introduction to Posture with Posture Ellie
An Introduction to Posture with Posture Ellie


Jun 23, 2024 - Jun 23, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Some of you may know or recognise Ellie as she used to be a KEEN member of Soul Sanctuary (or Yaur Yoga as it was back in the day!) when she lived in Worcester. She credits her discovery of yoga and the path of self-enquiry it took her on to finding what she now realises is her life's purpose, helping people become pain free by improving their posture. Now based in the Peak District, Ellie is still an online member of the studio and is excited to be back at Soul Sanctuary to present this workshop to you!

Since leaving the corporate world in 2018, Ellie's Postural Alignment business has really evolved and now she has the pleasure of helping people all over the world improve how they move, understand their pain clearly and logically and, most importantly, drastically help them reduce their pain (that often people had resigned to being 'a natural part of aging' or 'genetic'). This is done through teaching people about the root causes of pain and not focusing on symptoms (the area of the body that hurts). You don't have a 'bad back/knee/hip/shoulder' .... you have an overworked back/knee/hip/shoulder. When you discover WHAT the symptom of pain is compensating (overworking) on behalf of (the sleeping, dysfunctional part of your body), years of wasted symptom chasing simply melt away. Pain that people have struggled with for decades can literally disappear in minutes if you give the body the right demand.

Over the course of 3.5 hours, we will take a mini deep-dive into all things posture. In the first 1.5hr session, Ellie will run you through an introduction to her method and will run you through 'Function Tests', which will help you to understand the root causes of your pain or tension. After a break, we will then commence for another 1.5hr class which will be a 'whole body focused' posture session. You'll experience how Ellie's posture exercises, methodology and cues are quite different to yoga (though look somewhat similar on the surface). Ellie hopes you'll finish the session a bit more enlightened, feeling amazing (in only the way that better posture can give you - it's a MAGICAL feeling) and also excited and hopeful that the body you haver right now doesn't have to be the body you'll have next month or next year - it could be a lot better!

If you'd like to sign up, Ellie welcomes you to read 'Pain Free' by Pete Egoscue to help you get started beforehand and also, check out her
Free 7 Day Posture Challenge to get you excited

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