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FREE class! 108 Sun Sal - Summer Solstice & International Yoga Day!
FREE class! 108 Sun Sal - Summer Solstice & International Yoga Day!


Jun 21, 2024 - Jun 21, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


FREE class Friday, June 21st 1pm 

Rest and Modify when needed, honour this day, our sun, & your practice as always!

Why 108?
In the Yogic tradition, 108 is a sacred number. Practicing 108 Sun Salutations is a meditative practice that connects the body, the mind, and the universe specifically when nature is undergoing a change. And coupled with this change in nature, yogis can start once again, fresh, renewed and inspired.


  • The number 108 appears in ancient, sacred texts. For example, there are 108 Upanishads and 108 Tantras
  • In numerology, 108 equals 9, which symbolizes universal love, eternity and awakening
  • In Ayurveda, there are 108 sacred points on the body
  • In astronomy, the distance between the Sun and Earth is roughly 108 times the Sun’s diameter
  • This number also connects the Sun, Moon, and Earth: The average distance of the Sun and the Moon to Earth is 108 times their diameter.
  • Mala bead necklaces have 108 beads, which are used to count during meditation
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