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First Row Fitness LLC
INBODY  (non-member)
INBODY (non-member)


Purchase Option type:
Session Pass
Number of Sessions:
Does Not Expire
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Meet with a Personal Trainer who will utilize the InBody to lead you through a full body composition analysis!
InBody is trusted by top hospitals, gyms, and professional sports teams because of its precision and ease of use. The machine is fast, accurate, and non-invasive. It is also the only machine that is correlated to be 98% as accurate as the DEXA (Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometer) commonly regarded as the industry’s gold standard. The average cost of a DEXA scan is $132.
Assessment appointments are only 10 minutes and include a full analysis of your results.

For the most accurate and consistent results, we encourage participants to adhere to the following guidelines:
• Hydrate well the day before.
• Do not drink caffeine the day of your test.
• Do not eat for 3 to 4 hours prior to testing.
• Do not exercise 6 to 12 hours prior to testing.
• Do not take InBody test after a shower or sauna.
• Do not consume alcohol 24 hours prior to testing.
• Avoid using lotion on hands or feet.
• For women, avoid testing if you are menstruating.
• Individuals with pacemakers and other electronic medical devices or women who are pregnant should not use InBody.

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