In a world where women are often encouraged to suppress their natural cycles and emotions, Red Tent Women's Circle gatherings provide a safe space where they can be better understood and celebrated.
By coming together to discuss topics that are so often off-the-table, these gatherings become a symbol of acceptance and fellowship. There is wisdom available in all seasons of a woman’s life. The Red Tent community honors the Maiden, Mother and Crone by welcoming all ages. Bring your mother, your daughter, your sister, your friend, or find them in this Circle of Sistars. $22 per person.
Kristie's Red Tent (est. January 2024) is now a ‘wandering women’s circle’ that meets monthly for themed events across NE Ohio. Join Kristie Leahy Comsia and special guest facilitators for two hours of learning and inquiry on special topics. We are deeply grateful for the studios who are willing to host our community, and we hope you’ll join us at Yoga Central on the following dates:
Sunday, March 2nd 'Songwriting Salad: a Collective Songwriting Experience,' with musician Beth Gatchel
Saturday, April 5th TBD (possible Donation-Based Potluck Dinner)
Sunday, May 18th 'Internal Family Systems' with Dr. Katie Gamby PhD of The Wellife, North Canton
Sunday, June 1st 'Rainbow Tent: LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Red Tent Spaces' with Paisley Parvati Devi

Our culture promotes a busy life full of titles, duties, and deadlines. While it is good to be productive, sometimes we may find it hard to slow down and simply be. Simply be as we are, no titles, no duties, nowhere to be and nowhere to go.
Join MJ Morrison, Reese Rowan, and Edgar Sanchez at Yoga Central on Saturday, May 31st at 1:30 PM for a day of presence with yourself, and life as it is. Leaving the past in the past and the future in the future, we will meet in the now for 4 hours of Yoga, meditation, reflection, reiki, a guided drumming meditation, and a sound bowl bath by Edgar Sanchez.
Hydrate at any time! While we do have scheduled bathroom breaks, please feel free to leave to use the bathroom at any time. Please do so as quietly as possible :)
Please bring a snack with you, water, a journal and something to write with, and your favorite blanket and or pillow.
Event Schedule
1:30 PM - Settle in, introductions, initial questions, and event
1:45 PM - Yoga with MJ - A Moderate flow
2:45 PM - Bathroom break
3:00 PM - Meditation, beginning with movement and guidance, then
progressing to silence
3:30 PM Snack and Silence! Time to reflect and journal and
3:45 PM Introduction to Guided Meditation with Drumming and
3:55 PM Guided meditation with Drumming with MJ with Reiki from
4:30 PM Sound Bowl Bath with Edgar, optional Reiki from MJ and
5:10 PM Grounding and reflections
5:30 PM Closing

In a world where women are often encouraged to suppress their natural cycles and emotions, Red Tent Women's Circle gatherings provide a safe space where they can be better understood and celebrated.
By coming together to discuss topics that are so often off-the-table, these gatherings become a symbol of acceptance and fellowship. There is wisdom available in all seasons of a woman’s life. The Red Tent community honors the Maiden, Mother and Crone by welcoming all ages. Bring your mother, your daughter, your sister, your friend, or find them in this Circle of Sistars. $22 per person.
Kristie's Red Tent (est. January 2024) is now a ‘wandering women’s circle’ that meets monthly for themed events across NE Ohio. Join Kristie Leahy Comsia and special guest facilitators for two hours of learning and inquiry on special topics. We are deeply grateful for the studios who are willing to host our community, and we hope you’ll join us at Yoga Central on the following dates:
Sunday, March 2nd 'Songwriting Salad: a Collective Songwriting Experience,' with musician Beth Gatchel
Saturday, April 5th TBD (possible Donation-Based Potluck Dinner)
Sunday, May 18th 'Internal Family Systems' with Dr. Katie Gamby PhD of The Wellife, North Canton
Sunday, June 1st 'Rainbow Tent: LGBTQ+ Inclusivity in Red Tent Spaces' with Paisley Parvati Devi

A day filled with healing, wellness, and wholeness.
Join us and sample the goods and services of local health & healing practitioners!
Learn how to manage your wellness holistically.
This event will be held on Sunday, October 29th from 11am - 5pm at Yoga Central.
This event is brought to you by Merging Hearts Spiritual Center: https://www.merginghearts.org/

Join us for a classical Yoga-Ashram style retreat designed to help you re-discover the sacred silence within, and to connect profoundly with your authentic Self. Bring bedding to stay overnight at Yoga Central, or commute from home. Our silent retreats focus on the wisdom teachings of Yoga, and Yogic practices to help you both experience and sustain inner connection and awareness. This retreat is offered on a donation-only basis, and is open to all seekers of all traditions.
Swami Sankarananda is a monk of the Sivananda order, a teacher of Yoga, and a pilgrim for peace. He walked a pilgrimage for 2.5 years, including coast to coast in 2014. He shares an ancient knowledge of Yoga, and how to lift ourselves from fear to achieve our fullest potential.
Friday, Day 1
3-4:30pm (Optional) All-Levels Yoga Class with Paisley Parvati Devi
4:30-5:30pm Arrival, Check-In
6pm Dinner
7pm Opening Prayer, Introductions, Retreat Overview
7:30pm Satsang (Silence Begins): Silent Meditation, Chanting, Dharma Talk
10pm Lights Out
Saturday, Day 2
5:30am Wake Up Bell
6:15am Satsang
8:15am Break
8:30am Moderate Yoga Asana/ Pranayama Class
10:30am Brunch
11:30am Workshop
12:30pm Individual Sadhana: Spiritual Counseling with Swamiji,
Practice Alone, Seva (Service)
4:30pm (Optional) Moderate Yoga Class
6pm Dinner
7pm Peace Chanting
7:30pm Satsang
10pm Lights Out
Sunday, Day 3
5:30am Wake Up Bell
6:15am Satsang
8:15am Break
8:30am Moderate Yoga Asana/ Pranayama Class
10:30am Brunch
11:30am Workshop
12:30pm Peace Walk
2pm Closing Discussions, Prayers & Arati (Silence Ends)
3pm Program Ends
by donation, starting with free