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First Saturday Kriya Meditation
Aug 3, 2024 - Aug 3, 2024
Payment of $20 is due at time of class to Kriyacharya Andrew Burkamp with cash or card. 
Thank you. Please email any questions to
Join together monthly to practice the sacred teachings of Kriya Yoga. This is a meditative style of yoga that uses focused breath, sound, and visualisation to quiet your mind and settle your emotions so you can awaken to your full potential. Practices include surya yoga for pranic self healing, flight of the white swan guided meditation (similar to yoga nidra), and golden lotus meditation. You will have the opportunity to be initiated into more expansive practices as you progress along the kriya path. Kriyacharya Andrew Burkamp is a senior teacher of Kriya Yoga under the guidance of his Guru Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath.
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Aug 3, 2024
12:30pm - 2:30pm EDT
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1 Session
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LevelUp - Trapeze Yoga
Aug 14, 2024 - Aug 14, 2024

This Yoga Trapeze workshop is for all levels of practice. It will help you find a deep stretch to follow along, leaving you feeling longer and leaner by the time the session finishes. Engaging in this session fosters vulnerability and freedom and goes on a
journey of self-exploration, breaking self-set limits and boundaries, arriving at a serene out-of-body experience enveloped in a calming, meditative state.

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Aug 14, 2024
7:30pm - 9:00pm EDT
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1 Session
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6 wk Pilates Reformer for Golfers
Sep 18, 2024 - Oct 23, 2024

This six week Pilates Reformer series for golfers focuses on improving flexibility, core strength, balance, and rotational power. Here's what to expect each week:

Week 1: Foundation and Core Activation

Goals: Introduce basic reformer exercises, emphasize core engagement.

  • Warm-up: Footwork series
  • Core Activation: Pelvic tilts, bridging, toe taps
  • Upper Body: Arm circles, tricep presses
  • Lower Body: Leg circles, footwork in different positions
  • Cool Down: Cat-Cow stretch, hamstring stretch

Week 2: Spine Mobility and Stability

Goals: Enhance spinal mobility, improve stability.

  • Warm-up: Footwork series, bridging
  • Spinal Mobility: Cat-Cow, spinal twists
  • Core Stability: Plank variations, hundred
  • Upper Body: Arm openings, chest expansion
  • Lower Body: Lunges on the reformer
  • Cool Down: Seated forward fold, shoulder stretch

Week 3: Hip Mobility and Strength

Goals: Improve hip mobility, strengthen hip flexors and extensors.

  • Warm-up: Footwork series, bridging with leg lifts
  • Hip Mobility: Leg circles, hip rolls
  • Core Strength: Roll-ups, side planks
  • Upper Body: Rowing series
  • Lower Body: Scooter, single leg press
  • Cool Down: Figure-four stretch, hip flexor stretch

Week 4: Balance and Coordination

Goals: Enhance balance and coordination, integrate whole-body movements.

  • Warm-up: Footwork series, single leg footwork
  • Balance: Standing leg press, lunges with rotation
  • Coordination: Arm and leg reach
  • Core Strength: Teaser prep, side leg series
  • Upper Body: Bicep curls, tricep extensions
  • Cool Down: Spine stretch, shoulder rolls

Week 5: Rotational Power

Goals: Improve rotational strength and flexibility, focus on golf-specific movements.

  • Warm-up: Footwork series, bridging with rotation
  • Rotational Exercises: Torso twists, mermaid stretch
  • Core Strength: Oblique roll-ups, bicycle crunches
  • Upper Body: Chest expansion with rotation
  • Lower Body: Standing side splits
  • Cool Down: Supine twist, seated forward fold

Week 6: Integration and Performance

Goals: Combine learned skills, emphasize fluidity and control.

  • Warm-up: Footwork series, bridging variations
  • Integrated Movements: Full body integration exercises
  • Core Strength: Advanced planks, teaser
  • Upper Body: Arm series with rotation
  • Lower Body: Jumpboard series (if available)
  • Cool Down: Comprehensive stretch routine

Tips for Each Session:

  • Modify as needed: Adjust the difficulty based on the participant's ability.
  • Focus on breathing: Encourage deep, controlled breaths.
  • Golf-specific cues: Relate movements to the golf swing to enhance understanding and motivation.

Beginner's welcome.

Limit 7

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Sep 18, 2024 - Oct 23, 2024
8:15am - 9:15am EDT
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6 Sessions
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Shake Your Soul
Sep 22, 2024 - Sep 28, 2024
Shake Your Soulâ„¢ uses movement and music to establish sensations of grounding and expansion that will transform your stress
and free up body to receive more joyful experiences.
Through expressive dance, we reach for freedom, joy, and expansiveness, while also reaching for the
ground, the pull of gravity, the grit, the passion, the struggle, the human experience. Using world music
and simple, effortless, yet dynamic repertoire of movements, this class is a mind-body fitness class, and
is suitable for all ages and fitness levels. No prior dance experience required.
Qigong awakens the energy in the three Dan Tians (or reservoirs of energy). It teaches us to move from
the inside out, and therefore is a vital part of this class.
Come join us and leave rejuvenated and vitalized!
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Sep 22, 2024 - Sep 28, 2024
7:15pm - 8:45pm EDT
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1 Session
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