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Heartwood Yoga Institute
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Reiki Level 2
Dec 7, 2024 - Dec 7, 2024

Reiki Level 2 training carries the foundation course (level 1) on to learn about sharing Reiki with others. This level prepares students to do Reiki treatments on people, places, animals and situations. The course covers distance Reiki, how to send Reiki through time and space, and reviews many techniques for sending Reiki to those who are not physically accessible. Reiki two covers crystal healing and dowsing with pendulums. Students select a pendulum to keep and will practice with it in the course and they are given other items to take home to serve as totems or aids to a full reiki practice . The laying on of crystals to enhance Reiki energy and chakra clearing is covered. Students receive level 2 attunement and learn and practice the symbols attached to this level. Participants leave prepared to work as a Reiki practitioner.

  • Distance Healing
  • Reiki across time and space
  • Using Symbols and Mantras to Heal
  • Pendulum Dowsing/Transcendental dowsing
  • The science of energy/physics
  • Laying on of crystals and energy healing
  • 2nd degree symbols
  • Attunement
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Dec 7, 2024
2:00pm - 6:30pm EDT
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1 Session
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