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SOUL STRONG Summer 2024 (2x weekly)
Jul 12, 2024 - Aug 15, 2024

*Member Pricing $384+HST*

Looking to crank up your strength training with an expert coach who knows their stuff? We thought so. This is our more advanced weight training program, reserved for only 6 participants.

Focusing on the BIG weight lifting exercises (Squats, Deadlifts, Bench press, Barbell Row, Overhead Press), we will work with Olympic barbells/plates, weight bench, and heavier dumbbells. We also have chin up bars, heavier kettle bells & TRX to add some strength sizzle!

This 6-week session of classes is designed for the fitness participant with a training base who is looking for more 1:1 attention to form, safe spotting, and motivation to lift heavier. Get ready to push past current plateaus to reach new goals of strength and badassery! You might even surprise yourself... Level 3-4.

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Jul 12, 2024 - Aug 15, 2024
7:20am - 8:15am EDT
Jul 16, 2024 - Aug 15, 2024
7:20am - 8:15am EDT
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11 Sessions
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