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Retreat - Wings of Mindfulness: A Day of Insight and Compassion
Aug 11, 2024 - Aug 11, 2024

Wings of Mindfulness: A Day of Insight and Compassion

A One Day Retreat with Erin Joosse

with Live Music by Karen Laura Peters

August 11th, 2024; 10am-4pm

Washington Woodland Estate, Gig Harbor, WA


Nourish yourself deeply with a day of practice.

Join Erin Joosse in an exploration of mindfulness, insight, self-kindness, and community in a restful day retreat in a lush and beautiful local setting. Bring awareness to your body, breath, mind, and heart, and remind yourself of your innate ability for presence, insight, and compassion.

This one-day retreat will include movement practice (gentle, mindful yoga), meditation, talks, as well as mindfulness and self-compassion exercises. Find yourself at home in your body, mind and heart, be nurtured by nature in a beautiful and lush setting (just 20-30 minutes from Tacoma) and learn practical ways to come back to your center that you can take with you into your life.

Our practice will be beautifully accompanied by live music (cello and voice) by Karen Laura Peters.

All levels of practice welcome. Please bring a journal and pack a nourishing lunch.


Date: Sunday, August 11th, 2024

Time: 10am-4pm

Cost: $145

Location: Washington Woodland Estate, Gig Harbor, WA

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Aug 11, 2024
10:00am - 4:00pm PDT
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1 Session
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Fall 2024 Whidbey Retreat
Nov 1, 2024 - Nov 3, 2024

Building the Freedom of Equanimity: Finding Calm and Center Amidst Life’s Challenges

A Contemplative Yoga and Mindfulness Retreat with Erin Joosse

The Whidbey Institute, Clinton, WA

November 1st-3rd (Friday-Sunday)


This is a time of great uncertainty, division, and cultural stress. Perhaps this is always true, but it certainly feels heightened the last few years, doesn’t it?

Our practice offers us tools to ground ourselves and find a sense of a sturdy center even when things are difficult. With practice and intentionality, we might both live with balance and respond to the real issues we face with courage, strength, and steadfastness.

One of the translations of Equanimity in ancient Buddhist texts is “standing in the middle,” which refers to a balance that comes from inner stability; remaining centered when surrounded by turmoil.

What are the things that have you come back to your center? The inner qualities of being that have you find balance and stability in the middle of life’s difficulties?

In this fall retreat at the serene and beautiful Whidbey Institute, we will explore practices that bring balance and steadiness no matter what is arising, both in yoga and meditation practice and in our day-to-day life.


Your Weekend:

Contemplative retreat practice offers us the opportunity to pause the doings of daily life, and the chance to tune more fully into our bodies, minds, and hearts.

Through a balance of scheduled and unscheduled time, guided yoga and meditation practices, and time for rest, we will offer ourselves the gift of slowing down. Your retreat begins Friday at 4pm and completes Sunday by early to mid-afternoon. There will be some periods of silence (mornings until lunch) to deepen your retreat experience.

All levels of practitioners of yoga and meditation welcome.

Your retreat includes:

2 nights' stay in thoughtful accommodations
Use of Whidbey Institute’s facilities, grounds and trails
All meals dinner Friday through lunch Sunday
All yoga and meditation sessions

Retreat Accommodations and Cost:

There are several lovely options for accommodation at The Whidbey Institute. You can choose a single or shared room in a cozy Farmhouse, with shared bathrooms and common spaces. Or enjoy staying in a sweet Scandinavian-style cabin with either a shared bathroom attached or bathrooms a short walk away. Please register for the accommodation that suits your needs, rooms and cabins first come, first served. Single rooms and cabins are limited, so consider sharing a room with a friend. Price options range from $760-900 per person.

Please email Erin at to indicate roommate preference if registering for a shared room. If you don’t have a roommate you are registering with, I will pair you with another participant looking to share a room.

Payment: Full payment -or- $400 deposit with remaining balance due by October 11th, 2024.


*** PLEASE NOTE: If you are paying a deposit rather than paying in full at time of registration, PLEASE know that you MUST email Erin to advise her of which room you would like to reserve ASAP. ****

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Nov 1, 2024 - Nov 3, 2024
Fri, Sat, Sun
4:00pm - 12:00am PDT
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3 Sessions
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