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Samantha Smigelski

Samantha Smigelski


Spirit Rising Yoga & Meditation

Spirit Rising Yoga & Meditation

After years of competitive sports, Samantha begrudgingly came to yoga in 2010 at the behest of a friend. She had assumed yoga was only for hippies and that it wouldn't be a good fit for her. She was so wrong! After one class, she was hooked! The single class gave Sam slight relief from her chronic back pain, the people were kind and welcoming, and her muscles were feeling the workout! She's been practicing in different capacities at various studios ever since, finding her home at Spirit Rising after moving to Brighton. Yoga has become a tool that's allowed her to grow and maintain a healthy lifestyle without the anxiety, stress, and pressure of competitive sports. She's passionate about sharing yoga with her community in hopes of showing others that yoga can be for everyone, so long as you're open to giving it a try. 

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