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Jolene Festa

Jolene Festa


Dou Yoga

Dou Yoga

As a yoga instructor I teach to the whole person. I believe every individual should and can be successful. And I want yoga to serve a person on and off the mat.My yoga practice and teaching is influenced by my Quakerism. I believe deeply in the Light that burns bright in every person. I have a strong testimony of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, and equality. I use these tenets as the core of my teaching and believe strongly that our yoga practice must serve us on the mat and in our daily lives as well.My teaching is also influenced by my extensive professional experiences. I first began my career working with adults with various developmental disabilities. I always wondered if these adults' quality of life would have been improved if intervention work had begun for them as children. This lead me to earn a BA in Early Childhood Education. For over 25 years in the classroom, I bring a whole child approach, teaching to all their interests.Similarly these early childhood teaching practices I follow, I look at the whole person when instructing my adult and child yoga classes. How do we meet the needs of the whole person, whether in the classroom or on the mat, through asana (physical practice) meditation, mindfulness or Thai massage, while still maintaining a playful mind and heart.

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