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Sunee LaClaire

Sunee LaClaire




Sunee took her first yoga class for Physical Education credit at Antioch College in 1995. Since then she has studied yoga in various locations in the US and Asia. She resettled in NYC in 2013 and started practicing at YogaSole in 2016. In 2018 she completed her 200 hr yoga teacher training at YogaWorks under Heather Seagraves and Markela Los. Sunee became a certified Yoga Tune Up® instructor in 2019 studying with Ariel Kiley and Jonathan McKinna.Sunee enjoys exploring the place where the long deep tradition of yoga intersects with modern movement science. She believes that yoga is accessible to all bodies and that while the experience of learning and pushing your body's limits is very serious, there is always some levity and play to be found in the practice. Always interested in learning new things, going to new places, and trying something different, Sunee continues to evolve her personal practice and her teaching, incorporating pieces picked up along the way. 

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