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Natalie Kanellis

Natalie Kanellis


Tru For U

Tru For U

The way that we see things today does not have to be the way we saw them yesterday. That is because the situations, our relationships to them, and we ourselves have changed in the interim. This notion of constant change suggests that we do not have to be discouraged. T.K.V DesikacharI have discovered that the path you may choose in life is not necessarily the one that you think is in front of you. If someone was to tap me on the shoulder ten years ago and say, “Hey, some day you will be teaching fitness classes and unleash a great passion for yoga,” I probably would have looked into their third eye, laughed and told them to go chew on granola! I come from a family of practical people that are entrepreneurial in spirit; likely an influencing factor for my affinity for the Sciences. I obtained my degree in Science, because of my love of the logical, expected, and the perception that there is always a right and a wrong; very rarely is there an in-between. Eventually, I received my degree in Education after realizing how much I enjoy celebrating in the successes of others. Almost by accident, and oddly through an early morning television program that caught my curiosity, I began my yoga journey and ignited a passion, again highlighting the unexpected! From there I progressed into teaching fitness and obtained my Yoga Certification through this passion.My journey has taught me to expect the unexpected and to release myself from what I had anticipated to be the outcome. This has provided me with a foundation from which to teach my classes; I provide suggestions and options and share what I know and I’m open to each experience and learn in the moments along the way. What works for me may not work for the next person and I believe that the student knows their own body best. My hope is to provide a journey for my students that will broaden their awareness and teach them through their own experience how to grow their practice in a way that best serves them.

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