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Melia O'Neal

Melia O'Neal


Hip Expressions

Hip Expressions

Nis Instructor, dance performer. Melia has always loved to dance! She had her early training in tap, jazz and ballet. Through early adulthood she studied and taught many forms of dance including folk, modern, lyrical jazz and hip hop. Then her work took her traveling and the dancing stopped for 25+ years.Melia began her Nia journey when she stepped into her first Nia class at Hip Expressions Dance Studio in 2011. At a time when she needed it most, the movement, music and magic had her hooked by the end of the hour. She knew her body had to move to feel better. The blend of dance, martial and healing arts, set to soul stirring music was the perfect remedy! Three years later, she deepened her practice and earned her White Belt training to become a licensed Nia Instructor and completed her Blue Belt training in June 2016. She has been teaching up to 3 classes a week at Hip Expressions ever since, adding Zoom options in the last few years. Sharing the Body Wisdom of Nia with others is her passion and her purpose is to help others reach their fullest movement potential. Melia currently teaches 2 classes weekly.

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