Mind Body 26 (Hot Fixed Sequence), Vibes and Vinyasa (Hot), Sunday Mind Body 26 (Hot Fixed Sequence), Yin Yoga (Non-Heated), Candle Light Yoga: Yin & Restore (Non-Heated), 75 Minute Vin and Restore Fusion: (Hot), FitLIVE (ZOOM): 75 Minute Vin & Restore Fusion: (Hot), Fire Vibes Flow (Hot), FitLIVE (ZOOM): Fire Vibes Flow (Hot), Slow Vibes Flow (Hot), Sunday Night Yin Yoga (Non-Heated), Mindful Resistance -45 Minute Bands Class, Functional Flow with Rachel, Warm Beginners Flow, Express 26 -45 minutes Mind Body 26, Hot Mat Pilates with Guided Meditation, 65 Minute Vin and Restore Fusion: (Hot), FitLIVE (ZOOM): Hot Mat Pilates with Guided Meditation, Reach your Peak Vinyasa Flow, Strength to Mat: Dynamic Balance (Strength Training & Yin)
A special introductory offer specifically designed for new students to explore and experience the diverse classes available at Free to Be Yoga. With the new student offer, individuals can enjoy the opportunity to try all the classes, which include all yoga and strength classes. Activates on first visit and is good for three weeks.