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Jackie Stoffel

Jackie Stoffel


Spheeris Pilates

Spheeris Pilates

Jackie has been living in Breckenridge for 30+ years, raising a family with her 42 year partner/husband, Dave. She taught dance and step aerobics, performed with modern dance companies, became a personal trainer, brought Fit Ball classes to Summit County and was the pioneer Pilates trainer in the Summit, introducing Pilates here in 1997. SPHEERIS PILATES is the culmination of many years of study in various movement modalities. Jackie's primary Pilates certification is from The Pilates Center in Boulder, Colorado. Jackie's extensive background in dance performance arts with a BS from CU in Boulder, a Master of Education from C.S.U. in Fort Collins CO, GYROTONIC® certification,  training in GYROKINESIS®, Wellness Coach Certification from IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition), AFFA Personal training certification, REIKI II, Healing Touch and Healing Touch For Animals, Psych-K, the study of herbal medicine and essential oils, as well as her vigorous and demanding Pilates certification from TPC and others, all enable her to deliver a unique and powerful combination of "Holistic Fitness" techniques.  Jackie is an Independent BEMER Distributor, please visit   life.bemergroup.com for info.  Enter Jaqi Stoffel as your distributor  visit; www.spheerishealth.bemergroup.com

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