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SFOn2 Monthly Pass


Purchase Option type:
Duration Pass
Number of Sessions:
30 days
Access to Sessions:
Pre-Beginner Salsa, Beginner Level 1 Salsa, Intermediate Level 3 Salsa, Progressive Intermediate Salsa, Lead & Follow, Timing & Musicality, Body Movement Fundamentals, Follow: Advance Beginner ChaChaCha Partnerwork, Dance On Time, Bachata, Open Level Shines, Intermediate/Advanced Spinning & Styling, Open Level Mambo Shines: Technique & Styling, Tango (Follow), Follow: Advance On2 Partnerwork, Documentary and Practice Party, Open Level ChaChaCha, Spins & Turns, Ladies Styling, Intro to Pachanga, Styling w/ Partnerwork, Holiday Dance Social, Open Level Partner work, ChaChaCha 6-week Cycle: Follows, ChaChaCha 6-week Cycle: Leads, Lead: Technique & Mechanics, Follow: Technique & Mechanics, Lead: Intermediate & Up Partnerwork, Follow: Intermediate & Up Partnerwork, Lead: Beginner Level 1, Lead: Advanced Beg. Level 2, Lead: Intermediate Level 3, Lead: Progressive Intermediate, Follow: Progressive Intermediate, Follow: Intermediate Level 3, Follow: Beginner Level 1, Follow: Advanced Beg. Level 2, Practice Party: Lead, Practice Party, Lead: Advance On2 Partnerwork, SFOn2 BBQ, Lead: Advance Beginner ChaChaCha Partnerwork, Tango (Lead), Lead: ChaChaCha, Follow: ChaChaCha, Salsa Fever On2 Social(Jan 26, 2019 - Mar 23, 2019), Movie Night/Practice Party(Jan 11, 2019 - Mar 15, 2019)
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• No Commitment
• Unlimited Access to Attend Classes & Workshops, Upon Eligibility
• Monthly In-House Socials & Movie Night/Practice Parties Include

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