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Advandced Yoga Anatomy 300 Hour


Sep 25, 2020 - Oct 11, 2020
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Building the Best in Your Students

This goes beyond the muscles and bones and their functionalities, and includes techniques for getting the best out of each student. We will also learn the functions of vital organs, and how kriyas and asana practice have a powerful effect on them, and how asanas can help improve liver, kidney, and heart functions etc. Now it is time to take your yoga lessons to a new level.

Integrate the content into Workshops & Retreats

You can also integrate all the teachings and create your own content for workshops, retreats, trainings and private sessions as well.  Such activities provide an incentive to reach a much larger audience and create a community within which to support more people.

Gain confidence

Thanks to your newly acquired anatomy expertise, you'll gain more trust in this anatomy training when it comes to teaching. You are going to focus on anatomy that is applied to yoga.


This course is very interactive. The group will leave the class feeling the session was just created for them. During the class, each student will have the ability to test one another; and to have a real-life case study to apply their newly acquired skills.

Perform a Student's Body Evaluation

It is said, If you can clearly describe anything, it's because you know it well.  It is crucial to pass important knowledge to your pupil, and one must step up their preparation to do so. In addition, you'll learn how to channel your intuition to read the hints of your students through their body language, breathing patterns, and facial expressions, and be able to quickly evaluate their progress.

Translate complex methods in simple ways, including pacing, procedure, pain prevention, and more, you will also understand the pieces of yoga. You will be able to translate complex techniques in simple and accessible ways from that depth of knowledge and create a special connection between you and your students.

Myofascial release You will learn the unique method of myofascial release of Flip Your Dog , using pressure points and providing the advanced teacher with an extra tool to enhance the well-being of his / her students and the overall quality of instruction.

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