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300 TT- Pre-natal Yoga Teacher Training


Nov 4, 2023 - Nov 5, 2023
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Practicing yoga helps to ease the mind, stretch and strengthen the body, and deepen the connection between the two. Practicing yoga while pregnant is a wonderful way to alleviate common discomforts associated with an ever changing body, while preparing the pelvic floor and hips for the process of birth.

This workshop will provide you with the knowledge and confidence to safely instruct women in all stages of pregnancy. You do not have to be a yoga teacher to participate, however experience with the practice is helpful. This workshop will benefit students students looking to yoga teachers and teachers in training, Labor and delivery nurses/medical professionals, doulas, midwives and birthing coaches.

Students will receive a fully illustrated manual, and lecture will include: A breakdown of the common bodily changes and pathologies of the 3 stages of pregnancy, a review of the pregnancy hormones, the anatomy of the pelvic floor and mula bandha, along with 6 different pranayama techniques with associated benefits, along with meditation, visualization and chanting techniques and benefits. You will also receive a chart with a list of appropriate postures for each of the 3 stages, with suggested modifications and use of props, and post-natal poses with benefits.


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