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Move More Class Package


A set of 3 one hour long Mat Pilates classes appropriate for all fitness levels, ages, and even those with some physical challenges. These are designed to jumpstart your movement goals by getting you moving in a safe, informative, and engaging format. You can exercise in the comfort of your own home at the most convenient time for you. Each class will offer a foundational exercise with modifications for common physical challenges, and leveling up cues for those who would like to make the workout more challenging. 

This class package is a great gift for anyone who needs the encouragement to start moving. You can share what you already know about Pilates with those you care about. Learning to move well will only help them move more! 

The Move More Class Package is available to purchase on Black Friday and will be sent to the receiver starting on December 10, the first day of Hanukkah. I will send it to the receiver on any particular day you specify when you purchase the package. 

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$15.00 /month
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