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Take a swan dive into the Inner Arts
Take a swan dive into the Inner Arts


Mar 24, 2024 - Mar 24, 2024
Number of Sessions:
Days of week


Learn to master the mind (Zen) and to harmonize ‘The Force of Five’ (1. Sadness, 2. Fear, 3. Anger, 4. Hatred-Impatience, 5. Anxiety). Traditional Chinese Medicine looks at emotions as indicators of health.  The tools you learn in this workshop (the turn around) happens quickly to cleanse and restore ones vibration, internal Qi (life force energy) and protect the vital organs.  


Going back to 206 BCE Taoist masters went inside and unearthed the emotional connections.  In each workshop Zen monk Hae Kwang Sunim covers a core practice and organ / emotion rebalancing so you learn to master the steps.  You also receive hand outs and PDFs.  Clear the main organ systems and keep strengthening the elements in the body. Learn to keep the body and brain strong and balanced (Supplied are 100 + studies).  The tools are rooted in Traditional Asian Medicine and deeply actionable.


The workshop is considered the ultimate stress reducer and will leave you floating out of the class. In the tea circle learn Qigong tools, Zen life practice, energy work, and healing! 

Know the healing gift of 'Qi. Renew your heart with ‘Presence.' Restore peace and reclaim your energy.  

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About Hae Kwang Sunim (teacher)

Hae Kwang Sunim started training at the age of 18 in Thailand. He took full seminary and temple training in S. Korea, with graduated ordinations (including Bhikkhu ordination) under Patriarch Kun Sunim.


He spent over 25 years distilling the Inner Peace Qigong (IPQ), deepest and hardest to grasp teachings, into a simplified language so it can be taught and effectively applied directly in daily life. In 2005 (2549), the 19th Headquarters in Korea appointed Venerable Hae Kwang Sunim as Director of Bo Kwang Zen Center Palm Springs, U.S.A. In 2013, the Western Bhikkhus Council nominated Hae Kwang Sunim Kyo Goo Jahng of all American-European Temples (closest English translation: North American-European Oversight Head / Bishop / Director).


Hae Kwang Sunim drew from the most effective mind-body teachings he acquired from studying under different teachers in the East, including the teachings of Wat Bua Luang in Thailand. Part of the methodology is based on the ancient Eastern principles of Hai Palung (Energy Healing), Mind-Body Healing Qigong, Pon Klie Kwan Sow (Emotional Release), Meditation, Food-Based Healing and the importance of compassion, gratitude, oneness, outreach and the need to support the whole person holistically — Body, Mind and Spirit.
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