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Ayurvedic workshop: The Art of Nurturing Yourself
Jul 6, 2024 - Jul 6, 2024

Join a transformative Ayurvedic Workshop: The Art of Nurturing Yourself, where we will discuss the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, the only holistic system that looks at body, mind and spirit.

During the workshop you will:

  • discover the principles of this ancient holistic healing system and comprehend how it can elevate your body, mind, and spirit to high levels of wellness
  • dive deeper into the concept of true health, exploring its dimensions and learning how to propel yourself towards higher well-being
  • gauge your current health status and identify areas that need attention and make a commitment to yourself to make the necessary changes

learn practical, easy-to-follow tips that you can incorporate into your daily life to foster balance and release stagnant energy.

By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools necessary to kick-start your journey towards self-healing and self-nurturing, unlocking the true potential of Ayurveda to transform your life.


Who is this workshop for:

Anyone ready to elevate their health and wellness to the highest levels.

Anyone looking for simple and effective holistic tips to reconnect with their nature that will help bring peace and harmony to their lives.


What to bring:

Pen and paper if you like taking notes. A PDF will be shared with you post workshop so you have all the tips and information.


Please wear comfortable clothing so you can move freely.


Feedback from previous attendees:


“ Kasia, I loved it. I can’t wait to learn more about Ayurveda from you. It gave me so much to think about”.

“I really enjoyed the workshop. There were lots of interesting insights and practices I am looking forward to incorporating. Your passion for wellness through Ayurveda is so clear and infectious”.

“ I loved it all but especially the breathing, massage and energy practices. It was so relaxing. You inspired me to heal my digestion naturally. Thank you.”

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Jul 6, 2024
2:00pm - 4:00pm BST
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1 Session
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