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Breath & Bliss with Tiffany- June 8th 2024
Jun 8, 2024 - Jun 8, 2024
BREATH & BLISS - Tuned in with Tiffany
Saturday June 8th Breathe Yoga & Fitness
128 St. Catharines St. Smithville.
7:00pm - 8:15pm
This unique session combines the powerful modalities of breathwork and sound healing into one amazing experience.
It involves an active breathwork session immediately followed by a soundbath.
Breathwork channels the power of breath by drawing upon various breathing techniques to elicit profound, transformative experiences.
Tiffany is certified in Conscious Connected Breathwork, a powerful form of breathwork developed by Jon Paul Crimi.
This particular form of active breathwork involves lying down and using a specific, self-controlled, circular breathing technique.
In addition, music and inspirational messages are used to both elicit and enhance, physical, mental, and emotional connections.
Sound is a beautiful modality that can help facilitate experiences of relaxation, meditation, and altered states of consciousness.
As a certified sound therapist, Tiffany will guide you through the session and transport you on a mystical, magical journey through sound. Various instruments such as crystal singing bowls, kindred spirit drums, ocean drum, chimes, gong, and voice are used to raise your energetic vibration and to facilitate connection your mind, body, and spirit.
Participants commonly report intense and meaningful experiences such as massive stress relief, emotional shifts, physical sensations, imagery, recall of memories, and altered states of consciousness.
Be prepared to show up for yourself, breathe out what is no longer serving you, and bliss out with a deep connection to your soul.
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Jun 8, 2024
5:00pm - 6:15pm EDT
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1 Session
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