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Turning Point Yoga & Wellness

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Alignment with Dr. Sam Bahan (May 18)
May 18, 2024 - May 18, 2024

What is the purpose of this program?

This body-positive workshop will help bring discipline and presence to your alignment while keeping the body safe. We start with a discussion on what alignment is, and learn about common misalignments and the possible long-term effects of misalignment on the body.
A warm-up practice that opens the body and breath will lead us to experience self-directed hands-on work and demonstrations.
Dr. Sam reveals how finding and recognizing unprocessed experiences may get stored in the body. She also shares the secret of how a simple question can help us rediscover and process these specific emotions.

What is included in this workshop?

Breathwork, Lecture, Body Work

Who should take this workshop?

This is a workshop focusing on breath and body love. If your body is stressed and overwhelmed by the chaos and noise in the world, this is a safe and accessible approach to experiencing the power of healthy physical connection.

Who is Dr. Sam?

A seasoned chiropractor, Dr. Sam runs a private practice in Lakewood, Ohio. She helps clients shift the body into a complete state of balance and peace before delivering a precise chiropractic adjustment. Before an adjustment takes place, Dr. Sam uses tonal and neuromuscular trigger point release.

Dr. Sam practices methods such as Full-Spine, Diversified, Thompson, Activator, and Gonstead Chiropractic to accommodate a patient’s specific needs. The neuro-emotional technique is also utilized to release old thought patterns or traumas that the brain is unconscious of.

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May 18, 2024
1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
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1 Session
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