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New - Relaxing & Recharging Sound Bath by Nicole Alcyon
Feb 15, 2025 - Feb 15, 2025
Purify your auric field, recharge your Body-Mind-Spirit, and experience the soothing benefits of this Relaxing Sound Bath.
This Sound Healing Experience Features:
to clear energetic stagnation and blockages, and to ground
for relaxation and purification
for grounding and healing
for deep, molecular healing
for peace and tranquility
for cleansing the auric field and opening to higher vibrational energies
to leave you feeling both grounded and full of light!
Lay back and relax to “souly” a sound healing experience, letting yourself bathe in these soothing vibrations and receive this higher vibrational flow within your Body-Mind-Spirit, refreshing & recharging your Being!
In the beginning and end of this sound bath, some instruments will played around and over you my partner Jacob who has joins me often, deepening this healing experience, while I play the other instruments at the front of the room.
Come regularly and let this sound healing practice become part of your energetic hygiene routine for lasting flow, upliftment, and balance!
Energetic Hygiene is a practice of maintaining a vibrant, balanced, and flowing auric field that supports your conscious and spiritual evolution. Creating a safe and sacred space to cleanse, clear, and refresh your energy is also of utmost importance.
WHEN: Saturday, Feb 15
TIME: 7:30-9pm (arrive a bit early for parking and to get settled in)
WHERE: West Linn Holistic Center
2008 Willamette Falls Dr, Suite 200A West Linn, OR
COST: $35
As her sole profession for 2 decades, Nicole Alcyon has specialized in combining Hypnotherapy with Sound Healing and Chakra work to create powerful, therapeutic experiences. With a rich collection of sound healing instruments such as over a dozen Singing Crystal Bowls, Tibetan Chakra Bowls, 7 Gongs, and various others, she uses sound as a tool for deep healing and transformation. Through intuitively guided meditations, Nicole creates a safe, nurturing space for participants to connect with their Higher Self, to experience a greater sense of inner peace, flow, and alignment within their Body-Mind-Spirit.
Nicole graduated from her year-long Hypnotherapy program in 2004, and received very clear guidance to purchase a chakra set of the singing crystal bowls that same year. Upon playing her set for the first time, the idea of Hypno-Chakra Therapy was instantly “downloaded” in the mind and birthed into existence!
She has been facilitating private and group sessions & courses since 2004, and as an accomplished facilitator, she recognizes the importance of a sacred and energetically clean/safe place to release and integrate.
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Feb 15, 2025
7:30pm - 9:00pm PDT
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