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Yoga Body Shop
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Healing Sound Journey & Reiki
Aug 17, 2024 - Aug 17, 2024

Come join us for a special event of sound with gongs, shamanic drums and chimes that transport you into relaxation and meditation effortlessly. Listeners often experience a sense of connectedness and peace as the sacred sounds clear blockages and restore the free flow of vital energy throughout the body. With its ability to induce a spontaneous meditative state, the gong offers listeners access to parts of the mind that are usually closed, resulting in a sense of expanded awareness and higher consciousness. Reiki Practioners will also be performing reiki on the participants during the sound healing, giving you a full body healing experience.

Sound Healing is often used to re-balance, tone and bring harmony to the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. A Gong Bath provides an excellent therapy for stress related issues, depression, fatigue, anger & hostility, feelings of fear, separation and loneliness, along with many other conditions related to the lack of balance & harmony in the body.

Healing Sound Journey conducted by Paul Campbell, friend of Jeff Gregory

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Aug 17, 2024
1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
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1 Session
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