Enjoy this “get your asana out of bed” early morning flow class.
Greet the day by saluting the sun with a few rounds of Yogic sun salutations. Ease your body/mind into movement, allowing the blood to flow from head to toe. We’ll shake up a few Chakras (energy centres) while we’re at it as well! You won’t believe how great you’ll feel after!
This class will simply and comfortably stretch out the tight spots from a day of do-ing, preparing you for restful sleep. Your practice will include some deep stretches for tired legs, arms, and shoulders followed by relaxing restorative postures that will allow for healing and rest. Props and bolsters will be used to complement this practice. Winding up (or down as it were) with a little bit of meditation….aaaahhh…
What a great way to end a day.
Join us!
Buy a full session pass, or pay as you go to drop in. Choose your dates or select all, and the total cost will appear at checkout.
A beautiful Hatha Yoga class
flows the body from one posture (asana) to the next, linking both
the breath with the body, meditation in motion. This class will
increase your energy, calm your mind, strengthen your body, and
leave you feeling stronger, longer, open, and ready to take on
whatever lies ahead of you in your day!
Hatha Flow promotes whole-body awareness.
Some Yoga experience is recommended.
Stop. Breathe. Unwind and let go of the day. Join us in a beautiful Yoga flow practice opening up the body from a day of doing; whatever that may look like for you! Movement with breath. You'll feel quite different at the end of class from the beginning of class!
Buy a full session pass, or pay as you go to drop in. Choose your dates or select all, and the total cost will appear at checkout.
Get ready to move!
We’re flowing the body from one posture (asana) to the next, linking both the breath (pranayama) with the body; meditation in motion. You’ll enjoy increased energy, calmness in your mind & more strength in your body leaving you feeling longer, stronger, more open, and ready to take on your day ahead! This Hatha flow, mindful movement class promotes whole body awareness.
Some Yoga experience is recommended.