martial arts marketing, martial arts man on phone

Your Guide to Martial Arts Marketing [+ 5 Ideas]

The martial arts industry shows no signs of slowing down. From karate to judo to mixed martial arts, about 28% of adults in the US alone say they practice some form of martial arts whenever they can. If you feel like you’re struggling to keep up with this fast-growing space, […]

Jackrabbit online management software, Jackrabbit

Find Out Why Jackrabbit Online Management Software Clients Are Switching Software

Jackrabbit online management software serves a wide range of businesses in spaces like dance, cheer, gymnastics, and swimming instruction. Features include seamless billing and payment, online booking, class management, student skill tracking, and reporting. The company prides itself on user-friendly software and serving businesses in 36 different countries. Jackrabbit dance […]

boutique fitness studio, State of Studios Report

State of Studios 2024 Report: Boutique Fitness Edition

Breakthrough Trends & Strategies to Grow Your Fitness Boutique Business  Looking to grow your studio and stand out in a crowded market? Staying ahead of the curve is not just an option—it’s a necessity.   Unlock the strategies behind top-performing fitness studios and transform these insights into growth opportunities for […]

meditation business ideas, woman meditating

Boost Client Retention with Creative Meditation Business Ideas

As the wellness industry continues to evolve, mental health is at the forefront of that growth. One powerful tool that has gained traction is meditation, which can be practiced as a form of mindfulness, and has numerous benefits. A survey from Scientific Reports found that the top reasons people meditate […]

judo instructor business software, judo instructor

Key Features in Judo Instructor Business Software

As a judo instructor, you understand the importance of efficiency, an organized curriculum, and seamless business operations at a martial arts school. That’s why choosing the right judo instructor business software is so important. Speaking of business, did you know that the martial arts industry is expected to reach $171.14 […]

mental health business ideas, fitness woman

7 Mental Health Business Ideas to Level Up Your Fitness Studio

As the fitness industry continues to evolve, mental health is becoming an increasingly important part of it. This is because the connection between mental health and physical well-being is more widely acknowledged than ever. The Health and Fitness Association looked at 1,158 studies and discovered that 89% showed a significant […]

Convert & Retain More Clients with 2-Way SMS

Convert & Retain More Clients with 2-Way SMS

SMS boasts a 97% open rate—more than three times the rate of email. Texting with clients clearly offers a huge opportunity, but are you making the most of it?  Join us for this actionable webinar: Convert & Retain More Clients with 2-Way SMS  Our manager of Customer Growth, Hamza Najam, […]